? ? ? ??2021年專升本已經結束,英語科目對于大家來說是十分重要的,練習題是必不可少的,下面好學校小編為大家整理了專升本英語閱讀理解的練習題及答案,2022年參加專升本考試的同學可以練習下。
Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother andfather were Puritans(清教徒). They left England and moved to the English colony ofMassachusetts in order to escape persecution(迫害) for their religion. In Boston,Franklin left school when he was ten years old and worked for his father for two years.Then he went to work for his brother's newspaper. He became the editor of this paperwhen he was sixteen.Because he wanted to be independent, he went to Philadelphia.There he began his own newspaper.He worked hard and saved his money. And by theage of 24, he was one of the most successful men in Philadelphia.
In 1732,Franklin published a book Poor Richard’s Almanack(年鑒). Mostalmanacks contained information for farmers, such as information about the days andweeks of the year and about the weather. To his almanacks,Franklin added wisesayings and his observations about life. Some of these sayings are still famous today.For example,"“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy andwise.""Waste not, want not." and "A penny saved is a penny earned.”
1.Benjamin Franklin was of___
A. English origin B. Spanish originC.French origin D. German origin
2. Benjamin Franklin'sparents moved to Massachusetts because theywanted
A. to become wealthy
B. to live with their relatives
C. to have their own newspaper
D. to escape religious persecution
3. Whom did Benjamin Franklin work for at the age of 11?
A. His father. B. His mother.C.His brother.D. Himself.
4. Why did Benjamin Franklin move to Philadelphia?
A. Because his brother disliked him.
B. Because his brother wanted him to go there.
C.Because he liked the weather there.
D. Because he wanted to make a living himself.
5.Franklin's almanacks contained all the following EXCEPT___
A. information for farmers
B. wise sayings
C. poor Richard's ideas
D. a penny saved is a penny earned
【精析】A根據第一段前三句"Benjamin Franklin…They left England and moved tothe English colony of Massachusetts…”可知,本杰明·富蘭克林的父母是清教徒,為了躲避宗教迫害,他們從英國搬到英國殖民地——馬薩諸塞州。由此可推知,本杰明·富蘭克林是英裔。故選A。
【精析】D根據第一段前三句“Benjamin Franklin…His mother and father…Theyleft England and moved to the English colony of Massachusetts in order to escapepersecution for their religion.”可知,本杰明·富蘭克林的父母搬到馬薩諸塞州是為了躲避宗教迫害。故選D。
【精析】A根據第一段第四句“…Franklin left school when he was ten years old andworked for his father for two years.”可知,富蘭克林十歲離開學校并為其父親工作了兩年。由此可推知,富蘭克林11 歲時在為他的父親工作。故選A。
【精析】D根據第一段倒數第四句“Because he wanted to be independent, he wentto Philadelphia.”可知,本杰明·富蘭克林去費城是因為想要變得獨立,即靠自己生活。故選D。
【精析】C根據第二段…Franklin published a book Poor Richard's Almanack. Mostalmanacks contained information for farmers…To his almanacks, Franklin added wisesayings…and 'A penny saved is a penny earned.’”可知,富蘭克林的年鑒里除了給農民的信息,還增加了至理名言,其中就包括“省一分就是賺一分”。A、B、D三項都包含在Franklin的年鑒里;C項在文中并未提及。故選C。